News | Eighteen Rabbit Fair Trade


Bringing Books to Hay on Wye

by Andrew Williams | February 10, 2016 | 0 Comments

The greatest waste of time since coals were first taken to Newcastle? Perhaps! But we think it could work. Let me explain more...

Hay is a treasure trove of second hand books. There are over two dozen second hand book sellers in our town of fewer than 1500 men, women and children, all selling a cornucopia of adventure, wisdom and excitement. The second hand books, along with the attendant Hay Festival, and the friendly people who have made their home here because of them, are the main reason we moved to Hay in the first place. 

There are very few books you can't get in Hay. But one slice of the market which is paradoxically thin on the ground is a selection of new books - with the exception of the world-class Booth Books, most of the shops in town focus solely on the second-hand market. Great if you're looking for a lovely copy of "100 Years of Solitude" with an authentic 70's cover - not so good if you're after the latest Naomi Klein. 

The other gap in the market in terms of "entertainment" is CDs and DVDs - again we have the awesome Tangled Parrot, and Haystacks in Backfold, but not many options if you need the new One Direction CD for your niece or nephew. And that, friends, is where Hive comes in. 

Hive, for those of you unfamiliar, can basically be seen as an ethical alternative to Amazon for your home entertainment needs. They get brand new books, CDs, DVDs and the like to your door in the blink of an eye at competitive prices - all the while supporting high street shops in the UK. For every purchase, you can nominate a bookshop who'll then receive a percentage of the cost of your items (we hope you'll pick us!). You can either get the items delivered to you direct, or have them sent to us - we'll look after them until you can collect them (and no, we don't open them first to see what you've been buying).

All in all it's an amazing win-win. We would never want to take sales away from the incredible second hand book shops that have made Hay world famous, but if you're looking for something they don't stock, here's a way of doing it without resorting to the dreaded Big A. Let us know what you think!   

Tagged: books, eighteen rabbit, fair trade, fairtrade, hay on wye, hive

Half a year in Lion Street

by Andrew Williams | January 15, 2016 | 0 Comments

Today marks our six month anniversary in our new shop! We have loved our time on Lion Street so far. We will always have a soft spot for our first home at Hay Castle, but it feels wonderful to be in the thick of things and part of the bustling retail life of Hay. 

We have a big sale underway at the moment which we hope will free up space for some amazing new lines we have coming soon. We've already had some great new products (like these incredible Blantyre Jars from Malawi) and we have more on the way. 

It feels like we've achieved such a lot in the first half a year in our new location - thank you to all of you who have supported us in the shop and online - we hope to see you again soon!

Tagged: eighteen rabbit, fair trade, lion street

Black Friday alternative

by Louise Davies | November 26, 2015 | 0 Comments

It's that time of year again, when shoppers get all worked up at the thought of a pre-Christmas bargain. We've seen people being trampled and injured all for the sake of getting a cheap deal. Some might say our consumer attitude has got out of control. Thankfully, we are seeing a bit of a backlash to this with people in the States advocating a 'buy-nothing' day, where people should stop and think about over consumption and greed - and spend the day with their families instead.

We'd like to suggest that people use their desire to shop for the greater good. By buying fair trade you'll have none of the bad feelings associated with 'made in China' bargains, and you'll know that your thoughtful purchase is improving the life of the person who made it. 

Tagged: black friday, fair trade