News | Eighteen Rabbit Fair Trade


Help the rabbits (and this one isn't an April Fool!)

by Andrew Williams | April 12, 2015 | 0 Comments

We love rabbits. You probably know that already. And while we're not named after an actual rabbit, we are always thinking of ways to look out for our furry namesakes. 

We were therefore delighted to read (via Country Living) that the Mammal Society has begun a project to map rabbits, hares and other countryside creatures via a new smart phone app. The app features clever hints and tips to allow you to recognise the different animals living in your local area, and even allows you to play clips of their calls to make your identification. The project is starting in the south east, with the aim of eventually rolling out across the country. 

Mammals such as rabbits, squirrels, hedgehogs and foxes are an integral part of our ecosystem. and any change in their numbers can have a knock on effect to other animals. 

If you spot any rabbits in your local area, take a snap and we'll features them on our Twitter account!

Tagged: fair trade, fairtrade, mammal society, rabbits

Important announcement - rabbits to move in to Hay Castle

by Andrew Williams | April 01, 2015 | 0 Comments

We are often asked why we are called Eighteen Rabbit, and it has been suggested to us many times in the past that we could consider selling ethical rabbit wool products. We are delighted to announce today that these dreams are soon to become a reality. 

Our shop at Hay Castle is at the centre of redevelopment plans for the Castle site as a whole, and in consultation with the architects we have agreed an ambitious plan to branch out into commercial rabbit fur farming - on a strictly ethical and cruelty free basis.

Angora rabbits will be housed in special runs in the upper floors of Hay Castle, allowing them to roam "free range" around the Castle ramparts. Special feeding stations will be built into the castle walls. Current estimates are that there is sufficient space within the Castle site for us to comfortably house 120 well cared for, well fed rabbits. Each rabbit will produce approximately 2kg of pure angora wool each year, allowing us to produce ethical rabbit wool garments right here in Wales.

At the end of their working lives, the rabbits will be "retired" to the Warren to live out their days roaming free along the river bank. 

Full plans for the Castle hutches will be available shortly from Rick Mather Architects. We hope to begin production of angora wool clothing - starting with "Make Trade Fair or the Bunny Gets It" Christmas jumpers - within the next six months. 

One of the angora rabbits that will soon move in to Hay Castle.


Please note this story is strictly embargoed until April 1st, 2015. 


Tagged: fair trade, Hay Castle, rabbits