A Fair Trade Diet | Eighteen Rabbit Fair Trade


A Fair Trade Diet

by Louise Davies | February 01, 2014 | 0 Comments

There are so many diet fads around at this time of year, we thought we'd suggest a fair trade one. As well as shifting those pesky pounds* you're sure to sleep better at night knowing your choices have improved the lives of many people. It goes like this:



A cup of fairtrade coffee - there are plenty of options here, Cafe Direct have a great selection and ALL of Sainsbury's own range is fairtrade, even the basics

Traidcraft's Exotic Fruit GeoMuesli containing Chilean and South African raisins, Tunisian dates and Ugandan banana.

Topped with sliced fresh banana - bananas are the theme of this year's Fairtrade Fortnight, put pressure on your local shops if they're not already stocking fairtrade!



Zaytoun cous cous with olives and fairtrade avocados and locally grown tomatoes.

Fair & Square Chocolate brownie made with fairtrade chocolate and sugar.

Fruit Passion orange juice 



Bombay Mix made with a fair trade spice blend



Lentil dahl made with lentils from Malawi, with local vegetables and fairtrade fine beans. Add some extra zing with Eswatini Kitchen's Swazi Fire Sauce.

Grapefruit Fruit Pot

Fairtrade Malbec red wine (voted the best fairtrade wine from Co-op by Fairtrade Hay!)


Bedtime snack

A bar of Zotter chocolate and a mug of Divine fairtrade hot chocolate


(*please note this is just for fun and we're not guaranteeing any weight loss!!)

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